Waiting List Policy
Where sections have no spaces for additional young people, such that they are full, a waiting list shall be operated. The group waiting list shall be listed on Online Scout Manager to give visibility to section leaders and executive members.
The allocation of places on the waiting list shall be managed according to the following priorities:
1. Succession within the Group
Where a young person is already in the group, places shall be maintained to allow them to progress through the sections.
2. Parental involvement in Group
Where a parent/guardian volunteers to help with the group or there is other involvement priority may be given based on the potential benefit to the group.
3. Existing family involvement in Group
Where young people have siblings in the group or parents already volunteering with the group, priority shall be given over those with no connection.
4. Date of Birth and Time on List
Places shall be allocated according to age. Where individuals are within 6 months of each other, the length of time they have been on the waiting list shall be taken into account.
The decision to offer membership of the Scout Group to any young person rests entirely with the Group Scout Leader. There is no “automatic right” to membership, regardless of how long a young person has been on the waiting list, and as such there is no right of appeal. This does not affect a young persons rights under equality legislation or the Scout Association’s Equal Opportunities Policy.