If your child would like to join us, please complete the form below, and we will be in contact. Please be aware that demand for places is high, and we can only take as many young people as we have leaders to safely support in Scouting. We would love to expand or open new sections – if we have the leaders to do so.
Scouting works best when it operates like a family, rather than a youth service. Whilst we may not all be able to spare the time on a weekday evening or be confident in front of 20 young people, everyone has something to contribute. That might be offering to teach a section a particular skill (with the regular leaders there to help etc), but it might equally be behind the scenes with administration or site upkeep. So if you are considering signing your child up with us, please consider at the same time what you might be able to help with. If you would be willing to help out please also complete the form for yourself, indicating what you can offer. (You don’t need to complete the date of birth if over 18!).
Please do not send repeat copies of this form – if may not be obvious that it has gone it will have! In general names are added to our waiting lists and then selected for admission at the next opportunity – usually the start of a term. This avoids mid term disruption from introductions etc.